The specific month of March makes sense to honor the achievements, contributions and presence of women. International Women’s Day takes place on March 8th and Title IX passed in March of 1972. Women’s History Week which originated on March 8th was created to fill the void in our society to be able to recognize women’s history. The week proved to be successful and in 1987, congress declared Women’s History Month a holiday. National Women's History Alliance’s (NWHP) 2021 theme for Women’s History Month is Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced. This year’s theme wishes to recognize that the “important roles of multicultural suffragists and voting rights activists continue to be recognized and honored.” Furthermore, the NWHP refuses “to allow their voices to be silenced, even by a pandemic."
It is ever important for the voices of women to not be silenced, not just politically, but in every aspect. There exists a historical practice of attempting to silence the voices and contributions of women which led to the women’s movement. However, issues related to gender equality do not always take in account racial equity and equality. When considering supporting the voices of women, we must address the voices of all women, including women of color.
As we honor this month, let’s keep the following reminders in mind:
Value your own voice. Many times we are invalidated by others. Start by taking a moment to validate your voice and your experience.
Take a seat at the table. As a result of gender inequality, we always aren’t “given” a seat at the table. Let’s change that by taking a seat at the table.
Reward yourself for not allowing yourself to be silenced. It can take a lot of courage and energy to get your voice heard. Make sure you celebrate your efforts and your progress.
Allies (Men and other women):
Value the voice of women. Acknowledge and support others’ voices and experiences.
Consider how much space you take up. After engaging in self-exploration, give space to others to have a voice.
Take this month seriously and celebrate the many contributions and achievements of women in our lives and in our history.
Jean-Philippe, M. (February, 2021). Why Is Women's History Month in March? A quick lesson. Oprah Magazine. Retrieved from
National Women's History Alliance’s (NWHP) -