For the entire month of January I emphasized a theme of re-investing in yourself by utilizing a series of questions to challenge you to really engage in a full soul search. This is an amazing time to choose to reinvest in yourself. Out of all of the things the pandemic threw at us, one thing it forced us to do was slow down. It forced us to have a clearer sense of the ills (i.e., disparities and racism to name a few) of our world. We were busy and felt responsible (whether it was self-imposed or imposed by necessity) to take care of others. The pandemic magnified a built in need for some of us to prioritize others’ needs above our own. The 2021 theme of reinvesting in yourself is to explore this need and to encourage you to shift priority to yourself.
Let me back up a moment and help you identify whether you need to reinvest in yourself. Consider the following and if any of the following are true, I invite you to choose reinvesting in yourself as your goal for 2021:
If anything has resonated within you. Whether it is the sheer phrase of reinvesting in yourself. Whether it is something written in this blog. Or whether it was any of the questions of my January Instagram focus.
If you do not have a clear sense of your needs.
If you prioritize others over you.
If you have difficulty engaging in self-care or believe that you don’t need self-care.
If you think it is selfish to focus on yourself.
If you are giving to others throughout the day and do not have an intentional check in with yourself.
You don’t have a strong connection with yourself.
You have a hard time saying how you feel.
If you are human (meaning all of us need to reinvest in ourselves :-) ).
Now that I have you thinking about the importance of reinvesting in yourself, the first step to doing it is investing in self-care. What do you agree to commit to for the next month in the area of self-care?
Follow my self-care challenge @DrShawnBlue to find new ways to focus more on yourself!