Summer is here and so exists a new energy to return back to some resemblance of normality and enjoying the life we once had. Our challenge will be how we will accomplish this while also staying safe. Instead of moving back into the world impulsively, take a moment to reflect on what your needs are for this summer. What are the things that are important to you? Is it returning to traveling, spending more time outdoors enjoying the better weather, or is it spending time with other family members and friends? Reflect on what your priorities and needs are and what behaviors and actions will help you achieve your goals. After you create your list consider how you can accomplish all of things on your list while also maintaining the best safety protocols for you and your family.
While embracing the excitement that returning to our old worlds provide, I invite you not to forget all of the lessons learned during the pandemic. Be reminded of all that you identified as important during that time and create ways to continue to value them with all of the opportunities that the new world brings. Continue to carve out time for family and friends, self-care and health, and learning new things and expanding your skillset.
Enjoy this new world, but do not forget what we learned in the world we are emerging from…