How can you start today in getting closer to your truth?

January usually evokes a reflection on the past year and consideration and commitment to new intention and opportunities for the new year.  Vision boards provide a perfect way to envision and manifest personal goals and dreams.  Visions boards are based on the theory of the secret which involves the belief that en(vision)ing and putting energy into your dreams will make them come true.  That is why it is recommended that you place your vision board in an area where you can see it every day and where you spend some time and energy bringing your goals into focus and giving them power.  

New goal setting and reflection on the past and future are common activities of this time of year.  On a deeper level this ritual can reflect one’s attempt to find what’s meaningful in one’s life.  It should force us to really consider our daily thoughts, behaviors and lifestyles and whether it matches our true desires and destinies.  We should be forced to consider our existential needs and be reminded that life is short and unexpected but while we continue to live we should try and live it to the best of our abilities.  January represents as a symbolic bucket list each year where we consider what things left in life we would like to explore or even what we might want to change and improve about ourselves.  

Martin Luther King Jr. day was on January, 20, 2020.  It is a holiday set to memorialize the great work and movement that MLK executed and inspired.  We are encouraged to see this day as an opportunity to give back through service as a reflection of the humanitarian efforts that MLK engaged in while he was alive.  This day of service also reminds us of what is meaningful and connects us even closer in a world that feels divided more and more everyday.  If you haven’t already done so, take a moment and reflect on your own life.  Perhaps journal about what is meaningful to  you.  What do you see as the meaning for your life on earth and how do you want to manifest your truth.  How can you start today in getting closer to that truth?