What's your Bucket List?

At a holiday party today my friend and colleague asked the party guests what was on their bucket lists. Exactly two weeks left before the new year of 2019 begins, her question challenges us to take a closer look at ourselves and how we are spending our lives. Although we hope that this occurs year around, the holiday season as well as New Year’s Day offer an opportunity for introspection.  As we navigate the business of these two weeks we must slow down and take a minute to reflect on who we are as people. We should celebrate the joys of family, friends, gift giving or even just rest and consider its significance in our lives.  We need to question whether we need to make any changes within ourselves or any changes within our relationships.  Let the holidays be a barometer of what we present to the world and let us make any necessary changes to get us closer to ultimately who we want to be. 

Let the New Year serve as yet another opportunity to take inventory of our lives. Not necessarily resolutions that we do not intend to keep but commitments of how we want to live our lives.  We need to create a bucket list of memories and experiences that will give us the lives we have always wanted. We must breathe energy and life into our lists to create the motivation essential to actually meeting our goals.  If we have a bucket list and haven’t completed items on it we need to ask ourselves why and consider only maintaining items on the list that we have every intention of completing.  Otherwise it only lives as a checklist of unmet desires and accomplishments.  

 Wishes to you for creating a bucket list that gives you the best life you could’ve ever dreamed of!